
Basic Japanese #1

8:33 AM
I thought about doing a section in this blog about the basic of japanese language. So, you can learn along me about this complicated but beautiful idiom. Let's start with basic.  Japanese language uses three alphabets: Hiragana, Katakana (both of 45 syllables and one consonant -N-) and Kanji. Hiragana is the most used...

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3:16 AM
The word origami comes from the japanese 'ori: to fold' and 'kami: paper', kami then transforms in gami. Origami is a traditional form of art born in the 17 century ad, that consist in paper folding starting from a square paper, turning it in different shapes and with colour of your choice.  When...

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Anime review: Kamisama Hajimemashita

2:48 AM
Kamisama Hajimemashita (also known as Kamisama Kiss) is a romantic anime comedy -shoujo- first born as a manga from the pen of Julietta Suzuki.  The story revolve around Nanao Momozono, a high school girl whose father left her with debts. Fighting all her life with her father's gambling and poverty, eventually she is...

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