Tsubasa Masuwaka & Dolly Wink

by - 5:30 AM

She is Tsubasa Masuwaka, a celebrity model in Japan who works for various famous brands like "Dolly Wink". If you're a Japanholic you know her. 

She is a gyaru (a westernized girl) so that means blonde hair (better if curly), big liquid eyes (with contacts), and if you're going for the "cute type" (there are a lot of types.. I love the cool one as well), you can put on ribbons, frilly dress, a lot of pastel coloured accessories and so the make-up. Tsubasa is the queen of this style, she is the number #1 gyaru in Japan.

 And this is her with her husband, a famous model too, Naoki Umeda. They have a child together too.

Tsubasa without make-up. Isn't she beautiful?

You can find her on twitter too (though she only write in japanese) where she promotes her projects, she's still working hard as usual! Our gyaru princess :) 

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