Some of my favourite cosplays

by - 7:25 AM

Who doesn't know of cosplay nowadays? Well, in case you don't know Cosplay (from the words costume play) is the performance act in which a person wear costumes to represent a character -from a manga, anime, movie, game or whatever- and impersonate it.
Well, cosplay is a serious business now and it requires lots of effort and money (lol), also there are a lot of event or conventions for cosplayers around the world. 
Of course Japan is on another level, there are seriously shops like this one there. Just one word: amazing! 

Anyway here are some of my -random- favourite cosplays:

That's the vocaloid "Miku".. nowadays EVERYBODY just cosplays her, it's not funny anymore. But look what great make-up, wig and circle lense! Sigh*

Here's a freaking real Sanji from One Piece...this is too much even for me!

Hot group, obliviously Pokèmon!

                                         Sakura and Shaoran from Card Capture Sakura.. so cute!

Another overly-abused cosplay, Kuroshitsuji and can see Ciel-like-girls everywhere during japan related events.

And finally, here's the one I love the most. She represent Tsukimi of "Kuragehime" and it's the really first time I saw a cosplay of that. And it's amazing..if you have time buy the manga and watch the anime series, you will enjoy both so much.. granted!

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