
by - 8:04 AM

Purikura or プリクラ is the shortened form of the trademarked name プリント倶楽部 “Purinto Kurabu”, which means print club in English.
In case you're still in the dark, purikura are photobooths that produce tiny photo-stickers you can share with your friends
What is the concept of Purikura? The concept is to make alone or with friends some small pictures into a cabin, like in a automatic photo booth but at the end, you can customize it.

You can costumize EVERYTHING. You want bigger eyes? Done. You want a lighter skin with no imperfection? Done. You want to add fun and cute stickers? Done. Of course you can write on it too. There are a lot of functions, some also change hair colours and apply make-up!

You could find Purikura machines in the arcade game galleries or in department stores. They are used principally by girls, but you can see some boys too.

They enter into the cabin. You take pictures; you choose the style, the background. During the photo-shooting there will also be models on your little screen suggesting you some cute poses! After that,  you customize the pictures that you just have shot. You put or write whatever you want. Purikura are for them, a mean for cosplays to express theirselves. Some stores where there are purikura machines rent Cosplay wigs and costumes too!

Purikura are very famous because Japanese are crazy about photography and they love to be take in photo. Young people are crazy of purikura, and one of their favorite games is to take at least one picture on each purikura they can find. In addition to that, in the 100 yens shop they can buy some purikura books to stick the pictures. Purikura are a real hobby for teenagers; indeed, having used them, it is very funny, it can make great memories for a day or a good time with friends.

You can chose the size of the stickers but they're usually small.Then if you want, you can go and stick them to an album or agenda in this way:

Here is a great purikura game, I friggin' love that website.
There are a lot of apps nowadays that replicate purikura, you can find some here, or simply go to your play store -if you have an android cellphone- and type 'purikura'. And if you want to create your purikura online, on your pc, you can do so here.

It's not a purikura but it's really cool: the latest cutest japanese polaroid! So kawaii! There's also in baby pink but I love this one better! Click on the image/link for details.

New Model Fuji Instax 8 Color Blue Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Camera

I tried purikura and I loved it! So have fun ヽ( ゚ヮ・)ノ.・゚*。・+☆ !
Source: ringomarketing.blogspot.it, michinishi, universaldoll (sorry I forgot the others).

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